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Mastering the Art of the Ultimate Chocolate Cake and Perfect Frosting

Ever heard of a cake that’s so chocolatey, it might just file for chocolate bankruptcy? Well, folks, fasten your apron strings because we’re diving headfirst into the world of the Ultimate Chocolate Cake. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill birthday cake – it’s a chocolate rebellion with layers of dark chocolate cake, a filling of chocolate mousse, and a riveting finale of chocolate buttercream and drip.

This cake is the result of a nine-year-long quest to find the best chocolate cake recipe. After trying dozens, I finally crafted my own. Now, I’m not one to toot my own horn, but this cake isn’t just good, it’s the “choco-lottery” jackpot! It’s moist, rich, and fudgy in all the right places, without being overly sweet. And the best part? It’s a one-bowl wonder! So, ready to meet the most heavenly chocolate cake you’ve ever tasted?

Ultimate Chocolate Cake with Frosting

Indulgence is the name of the game and this Ultimate Chocolate Cake with Frosting is the starting quarterback. So, buckle up, fellow chocolate devotees, we’re revving up this rollercoaster ride of cocoa-licious fun.

What makes this the best chocolate cake recipe?

You might be asking, “Why is this billed as the best chocolate cake recipe?” Well, brace yourself for this symphony of chocolate mastery. This cake is essentially a cacao love ballad sung by Bruno Mars – sweet, smooth, and intoxicating. It’s practically a confectionery siren, luring in chocoholics with its siren song of rich, fudgy goodness.

For starters, our cake is a one-bowl wonder (and who doesn’t love a simplified cleanup?). This means that this recipe has been carefully designed to require merely one bowl for the batter. No messing around with multiple vessels, my cake-making comrades!

The cake’s rich chocolate flavor comes courtesy of a generous helping of Dutch-processed cocoa powder, the dark chocolate of the baking world. It’s bitter, it’s rich, it’s complex; it’s the Johnny Depp of cocoa powders. Yet, despite all its richness, the cake remains delightfully moist, checking off that crucial box on the Great Chocolate Cake checklist.

Another noteworthy feature of this recipe is its admirable versatility—this cake caters to a range of preferences with options aplenty. You can choose from a variety of pan sizes, frosting suggestions, and even potential substitutions. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of chocolate cakes!

The fact that it is crowned with a luscious frothy layer of chocolate buttercream is the proverbial cherry on top, enough to set anyone’s heart aflutter.


Let’s start our grand chocolate adventure, my fellow chocolate warriors!

  1. Vegetable oil: Brace yourself, we need a 1/2 cup. But hey, we’re here for a good time, not a long time, right?
  2. Granulated Sugar: Don’t panic, but it’s two cups. I promise you, it’s worth it.
  3. Eggs: Large, and fresh, always. We need two. Our unborn feathered friends are key for holding everything together.
  4. Pure Vanilla Extract: This is where you quote madagascar. It might look small but mighty. Get yourself two teaspoons.
  5. All-Purpose Flour: Get 2 cups of these white sands. It’s the glue that keeps our chocolatey dreams from falling apart.
  6. Cocoa Powder: Go for the good stuff! I’m talking quality Dutch-processed cocoa. Measure 3/4 cup.
  7. Baking Powder and Baking Soda: The rise-and-shine agents. You’ll need 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  8. Salt: Just a teaspoon. Think of it as the flavor enhancer, the thing that makes sweet, sweeter. 
  9. Milk: A whole cup! Think of this as the hydrant for the party.
  10. Boiling Water: And, last but not the least, one cup of boiling water. Yes, I too was surprised at first, but it helps.


For those who prefer a guide, here’s your step-by-step guide to the galaxy—I mean, to the best moist chocolate cake recipe! Don your apron, channel your inner pro-baker, and let’s dive right in!

Step 1: Assemble the Troops
Before you begin, remember to preheat your oven to 350°F (170°C) and get those cake pans ready. If you’re using 9-inch round pans (my personal favorite), remember you’ll need about 3 cups batter per layer.

Step 2: Beat the Invaders
Next, it’s time for the ‘Butter-Sugar Beatdown’. In a large bowl, beat your oil, then gradually add in your granulated sugar. Don’t be hasty now, we’re looking for a smooth, heavenly mix!

Step 3: Add Allies
One by one, add your eggs and follow up with a generous dash of pure vanilla extract. They are your allies in this culinary quest – the gel that binds everything together (quite literally!).

Step 4: Sift, Then Shift
In another bowl, you’ll sift together your dry ‘powdery’ champions: the all-purpose flour, Dutch-processed cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Then, slowly, with all the finesse of a secret agent, add this dry mix to your ‘wet’ ingredients, alternating with the milk.

Step 5: Befriend Coffee
Which brings us to coffee – the secret weapon. Slowly pour in the boiling water while continuing to mix at a low speed. The dark, seductive elixir lends your cake moisture and enhances the chocolate flavor, making it extra ‘choco-licious’.

Step 6: Fill ‘Em Up
Remember the 9-inch round pans we talked about? Pour in about 3 cups of the batter into each, filled about 2/3rds of the way up. Trust me, this seemingly insignificant detail spells the difference between a flat, sad cake and a lofty, joy-inspiring one!


Let’s dive into the marvellous alchemy that transforms flour, sugar, and cocoa into a fortress of chocolate decadence.

The Magic of Accurate Measurement

Did you know that baking is like conducting a scientific experiment? That’s correct, my sugar-dusted friend, precision is pivotal. This Ultimate Chocolate Cake recipe utilizes very specific measurements for its ingredients. I’m not just slinging random amounts of flour and eggs together here. Remember, we’re forming a chocolate citadel, not a chocolate calamity.

For starters, the total volume of the batter this recipe yields is about 9 cups. So, if you’re using your trusty 9-inch round pan, you’ll need about 3 cups of batter per layer. A 13×18-inch sheet cake pan swallows 6 cups of batter, while a 8.2-inch round pan fills up around 2 1/4 cups. And for those cupcake enthusiasts in the audience, 3 cups of batter will get you 12 marvelous mini cakes! The rule of thumb is to fill your chosen vessel about 2/3rds full, less you risk a baking overflow disaster.

And before you ask: yes, I discovered these exact batter quantities through many valiant experiments (and several ridiculous cake fails)!

The Role of Temperature and Time

Part of our baking wizardry lies in how we manage heat. The oven should be preheated to a solid 350°F (like preparing a cozy, warm nest for our cake-to-be). The cake batter requires around 35 minutes of this tender, toasty embrace until it morphs into layers of deliciousness. Be sure to conduct the ‘toothpick test’ towards the end of this period: if it comes out cleanly after being inserted in the center, your epic chocolate endeavour is victorious!


If you thought baking the cake was exhilarating, wait till we whip up this luscious chocolate frosting. This isn’t just an ordinary frosting; it’s the Perfect Chocolate Buttercream Frosting! The kind of frosting that makes any chocolate lover weak in the knees. Let’s delve into it.

  1. Start by making sure your weapons—ahem, I mean your ingredients—are at room temperature. Yes, that includes the butter. Remember, there’s no room for cold-hearted butter in a frosting recipe that’s all about love and cocoa!
  2. In a large bowl, combine your oil with powdered sugar. Now, summon your latent whisk-wielding powers and blend them until the mixture has the consistency of creamy dreams.
  3. Here comes the exciting bit—the cocoa powder! Sift it to remove any lumps and add it into your butter sugar mixture. Within moments, your mixture should take on a rich, midnight hue. If it doesn’t, you’ve probably stumbled into the Vanilla Frosting dimension. Don’t panic; just ensure you’ve used cocoa and not flour!
  4. As you blend, moisten the frosting with cream or milk for a velvety texture. Proceed with caution, though, as too much could turn your frosting into a runny mess, and nobody likes a sloppy frost!
  5. Finally, put in a little of that vanilla extract. It’s like that secret ingredient in every superhero movie, subtly but significantly enhancing the essence of your chocolatey creation.
  6. Don’t forget to keep taste testing. Yes, it’s purely for quality control purposes and has nothing to do with wanting to indulge in the chocolatey ambrosia.

Once done, you can marvel at the gorgeous creation in front of you. You might even develop the sudden urge to frost everything around, including your neighbor’s cat (but let’s not). Remember, this is best chocolate frosting ever made, even if it came out majorly on your elbows and the kitchen counter. Trust me; it’s all part of the fun. So, who’s up for frosting that delectable cake now?

Pro Tips for Making this Recipe

So, you’ve made it to the end of this choco-licious journey. You’re now armed with the secrets of the Ultimate Chocolate Cake and the Perfect Chocolate Buttercream Frosting. You’re practically a certified choco-genius! But remember, the proof is in the pudding… or should I say, cake?

Don’t stress over a few crumbs sticking to your toothpick or your frosting looking a bit like a Jackson Pollock painting. It’s all part of the fun! Besides, it’s not a disaster, it’s a ‘rustic charm’. And if all else fails, just remember the golden rule of baking – it’s nothing a little extra frosting can’t fix!

Go forth and bake, my chocolate-loving comrades. May your cakes always rise, your frosting always be creamy, and your taste buds forever be in chocolate heaven. Now, who’s up for a second slice?


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About the author

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Dr Harlan Kilstein has been fascinated by cooking and food technology since he was young.
He has worked in the catering industry for many years.
He has authored more than a dozen recipe books in the Keto niche including Speed Keto, Speed Keto RFL (Rapid Fat Loss) and many more.

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